Module: Summer course
Activation of the mind
The summer course focuses on the »activation of the mind« in the spirit of Sigurd Raschèr. He was not only an outstanding saxophonist, but also a committed teacher and mentor. He had developed a unique pedagogical method that based on a holistic approach to saxophone playing. An important aspect of this method was the intensive collaboration between Raschèr and his students, with whom he often spent time in his garden and who even lived with him for an while.
This tradition is revived in the summer course, because the Raschèr Saxophone Quartet (RSQ) values personal support and interaction between participants and teachers. Through the deep musical and tonal interactions, the principles and ideas of the quartet can be thoroughly grasped. The special style of playing and methodology, combined with philosophical and holistic experiences, promotes everyone's artistic development. Only with peace can knowledge, experience and what has been learned grow so that one's own musical identity can develop.
For questions & information

Alexander Thomas
Fachreferent Musik
Chor und Stimme
0 43 31 / 14 38 22

Diana Böhme
Fachsekretariat Musik
0 43 31 / 14 38 48