Raschèr Baltic Academy!
The collaboration between the Raschèr Saxophone Quartet and the Nordkolleg has been prolific for nearly 20 years. Our energy and desire to develop big plans together can be now found in the newly founded Raschèr Baltic Academy!,
and it is finally the right opportunity to implement it.
What is special about the conception is not only the expanded range of courses, but also the plan to work with a partner from the Baltic Sea region every year. So the Academy is going »on tour« as well.
The Raschèr Baltic Academy! consists of precisely coordinated modules that can be selected individually or in combination. As a result new doors are being opened for completely new opportunities for everyone – for the lecturers as well as the participants. All interested parties would have the opportunity to meet at the Nordkolleg four times in 2021. Of course, we are keeping an eye on the current situation and if necessary we will prove our flexibility once again.
Information about the lecturers or the individual modules can be found by clicking on the respective panels.